Pay instructors

When to use this procedure

Follow the steps below to view and make payments to your instructors for classes taught. Each time a student is billed, a payables invoice is created for the instructor based on the amount billed and the fee code assigned for that student and class. Select from all outstanding invoices or only those for which students have made payments.

Steps to complete

  1. On the Modules menu, point to Scheduling and click Pay Scheduling Instructors. The Pick Instructor window displays.

Note: The name of the menu item depends on the value you set up for system variable ScheduleTitle. For example, if this variable is set to Pro, the menu item here is Pay Scheduling Pros.

  1. Highlight the instructor you want to pay and click Select. The Instructor Payment window displays.
  2. If necessary, verify and update the payment date, store location, and tax authority in the Date, Location, and Tax Authority boxes.
  3. Select a payment method in the Payment box.
  4. Select to display Invoices Paid By Student or All Invoices in the grid.
  5. Select the check box in the Pay column for the invoice you want to pay. The Amt To Pay column defaults to the value in the Balance column.
  6. If you are making a partial payment, click in the Amt To Pay column and change the value to the amount you are paying.
  7. Click Save. The instructor is paid based on the payment method you selected.